Respect Life
Each year the U.S. bishops produce materials to help Catholics understand, value, and become engaged with building a culture that cherishes every human life. The 2022 Respect Life print materials include a poster and prayer card, and additional resources are available online for free download.
To place an order, call toll-free
Order Printed Materials
Resources are available to purchase online from the Respect Life Store by clicking the "order" buttons.
To order printed materials by phone, contact the Respect Life Order Desk (IFC) toll-free at 866-582-0943. Simply let them know the item number and quantity you would like to order.
Respect Life Bundle
A poster (bilingual) and prayer card (one each in English and Spanish) highlight the beauty of motherhood and invite Catholics to serve moms who are pregnant or parenting in difficult circumstances. Item #2200. Cost: $2.15 each.
Respect Life Poster
This Respect Life poster features imagery illustrating the beauty and joy of motherhood. The tagline highlights the call to serve moms in need as part of the call to Respect Life. Available flat or folded.
Item #2204. Cost: $2.00 each; 10+ copies, $1.75 each.
Prayer Card: "A Prayer for Pregnant Mothers"
This prayer was inspired by Pope John Paul II’s encyclical Evangelium vitae (The Gospel of Life). Although it was originally created to accompany Walking with Moms in Need, anyone is welcome to use it to seek the Blessed Mother’s intercession.
Item #1932. Sold in packages of 100. Cost: $14.00 each. Spanish Item #1933.